assessment Portfolio

Professional feedback can greatly increase your self-awareness, sharpen your performance, enhance collaboration with others, and inform areas for growth. We have various tools at our disposal to gain new insights about you, chosen based on their ability to support your learning objective and their psychometric integrity.

The NBI is a psychology and neuroscience-based tool, that measures your thinking styles - the degree to which you prefer some tasks over others and what energizes you. Your unique combination of thinking preferences has important implications for how you lead, communicate, relate to others, and work in teams as well as for the choices you make in your career. Awareness of the habits of your mind can enhance both social and emotional intelligence. With the insights gained from this instrument, you have the ability to adapt your thinking and reactions to be more adaptive to your environment.

Neethling Brain instrument (NBI)

360-degree feedback is a process of gathering feedback from various sources, such as your direct colleagues, subordinates, and other stakeholders. The information gathered is anonymized and used for your development only. Together, we determine what questions we ask to your stakeholders, to get data that is relevant to you and your coaching topic. This feedback tool helps you see different perspectives and aspects of your performance, highlighting your strengths and revealing opportunities for growth.

360º assessments and feedback report

Via strengths survey

The VIA Character Strengths Survey helps you understand your core values and strengths. This awareness can help you use your strengths more strategically and in new ways, to buffer against and overcome problems, to improve your relationships, and enhance well-being. Getting clear on your values and what is important to you, is especially helpful when navigating transitions and making decisions.