
what is coaching?

Coaching is mainly about discovery, awareness and choice. Coaching empowers you to find your own answers, encourage and support you on your path toward making important life choices. We will meet 1:1 (in person or over the phone) and during these sessions we will embark on an active and collaborative journey. The corner stones of the sessions are: confidentiality, openness, and learning. Together, we create a space for you to dream, experiment, strategize and work towards your goals. 

my Approach

I received my coaching degree from the Columbia University's Coaching Certification Program, one of the most rigorous coach training programs in the industry. My coaching tools are evidence-based and grounded in the science of performance and motivation, positive psychology, mindfulness, neuroscience, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and philosophical traditions such as Stoicism and Buddhism.

for whom is coaching beneficial?

If you have a strong desire to improve and actively work on an area of your life, coaching can be beneficial. Important condition is that you are eager to learn and ready to open up during the coaching. In the sessions, you will be encouraged to dig deeper and develop a plan to work towards your goals. I will help you clarify your goals, brainstorm on opportunities and structure an action plan. Important is that we will focus on YOUR goals, not those imposed by anyone else. We will track progress on those goals and I will hold you accountable for the actions you have committed to undertaking.

what results can i expect?

Coaching creates space for you to find focus, increase insight, and adopt a more resilient learner mindset. You are naturally creative, resourceful and whole and I will help you explore the widest range of possibilities. Results can include: finding focus, clarifying your career aspirations, becoming more productive, increasing emotional intelligence, decreasing anxiety and stress, having a calmer and clearer mind, and being happier.

People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them.
— Epictetus